Certainly, experience brings know-how. Our technical ship management team is made up of personnel with extensive experience at sea and ashore, including Captains, Chief Engineers and other Management Level Officers. Importantly for clients, however, there is one point-of-contact, who is in turn closely supported by these experts across key areas, including:

  • Safety, quality and environmental protection
  • Procurement
  • Shipping insurance
  • Naval architects and marine engineers for new-building supervision
  • IT & software development, and
  • World leading crew management division and seafarer training infrastructure.

This industry-expert team ensures precise decisions are made when it matters most, examining every possibility, and considering all theoretical, practical, and statutory requirements within the shipping and maritime sector.

Overall, a team perfectly suited to providing distinct and globally leading ship management solutions for clients and owners – always focussed on being resourceful and balancing accounts, yet without any compromise to quality and safety, as well as of course overall performance.

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